The Berlin Institute for Urban Transformation (BIT) was developed in 2014 to promote sustainable Christian engagement in the city—true to the word of the biblical prophet Jeremiah: “Seek the welfare of the city!”
The three core areas of BIT are Training, Research, and Networking.
The ecumenical network Gemeinsam für Berlin (Together for Berlin) was founded in 2002. In the following years, awareness within this network grew that only the fostering of unity of Christian congregations, projects, and leaders could sustainably give expression to the message of hope in the city.
The Christian mission of reconciliation and justice is increasingly being understood today as relevant for all spheres of society. We want to experience the positive effects of the gospel in as many areas as possible. The goal is the positive transformation of hearts and condtions in city life and in the urban world.
For this, the development of faithful relationships (Networking) is needed, a conscious perception of the city with its various contexts, actors, environments, problems, and resources (Applied Research) as well as the education and training of urban engagement (Training/Studies).
In addition to Gemeinsam für Berlin (Together for Berlin), the Theologisches Seminar Rheinland (Rhineland School of Theology) and its Urban Mission Study Program is a supporting organization of the Institute. Rhineland School of Theology is a member institution of the Gesellschaft für Bildung und Forschung in Europa (Association for Education and Research in Europe, GBFE). Those interested in further training or postgraduate studies can register for our block seminars —individual courses for further education or toward the completion of the GBFE-Diploma and the following Master’s program at the University (UNISA).
We participate in what is occurring in German and international cities, through our involvement with the network Gemeinsam für unsere Städte (Together for our Cities), the International Lausanne Movement or the Movement Day Global Cities. We maintain contacts and partnerships in other countries and are available at conferences and open for further networking.
The institute is led by Rainer Schacke PhD and a board of directors.