
Current Research Projects

  • Prostitution in Berlin (scientific assistance and supervision for a study of the Berlin NGO Neustart e.V./Together against Human Trafficking)
  • An Introduction to Christianity in Berlin (research and a book project in cooperation with Urban Loft Publishers, CA, published in English)
  • Church Planting/Church Development in the City (What does healthy church development which seeks „the best for the city“ (the transformation of hearts and conditions) look like?

We also offer context analyses for and with urban churches and projects.

You are looking for assistance or cooperation in other urban research topics and questions? Please contact us!

What else do we offer?

Courses and Training

The BIT city institute offers courses, workshops, and conferences which help you to better know the city as well as discover biblical perspectives and your calling.

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Conferences and Forums

The Berlin Institute for Urban Transformation is well-networked and we participate in different conferences.We also organize our own BIT study days.

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Urban Mission Study Program

You want to study cities and theology in a relevant way? Here you find information on our part time TSR Urban Ministry postgraduate study program. Goal: Master of Theology

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