Welcome to the Berlin Institute for Urban Transformation

We are a working partnership of Gemeinsam für Berlin (“Together for Berlin”) and the Theologisches Seminar Rheinland (“Rhineland School of Theology”). The city institute BIT would like to activate, unify, and equip Christians and others in the city to seek the best for their city. We do that through training, applied research, and networking.

  • Our mission is the positive transformation of hearts and conditions in the city.
  • Our vision is a dynamic city movement, that carries charity, hope, and justice into every sphere and lifeworld of society.

What we offer

Courses and Training

The Berlin Institute for Urban Transformation offers courses, workshops, and conferences which help you to better know the city as well as discover biblical perspectives and your calling.

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Conferences and Forums

The Berlin Institute for Urban Transformation is well-networked and we participate in different conferences. We also organize our own BIT study days.

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Urban Mission Studies

Do you want to study cities and theology in a relevant way? Here you find information on our part time TSR Urban Mission and Transformation postgraduate study program. Goal: Master of Theology

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Applied Research

Cities and their contexts are very complex. Applied research can help to better understand phenonoma of urban life, discover where God is already at work in our city, and how we can get involved.

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